Friday, October 08, 2010

Stoyko's KID Lecture #5

FM Steve Stoyko finished his lecture series on the King's Indian this evening with his fifth and final installment devoted to offbeat White tries and to an Old Indian path to the KID that avoids a lot of theory.  The Old Indian path involves playing 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 d6!? and meeting 3.Nf3 with the King's Indian continuation 3...g6, and meeting 3.Nc3 (which leaves open the annoying possibility of a future Saemisch f3 or Four Pawns f4) with either 3...e5 (as in Aganalian - Petrosian, Tiflis 1945, analyzed by Chernev in his 62 Most Instructive Games--that part of which you can view online) or 3...Bf5!? transposing to the Janowski Indian and related lines).  In the regular King's Indian section, Steve went over a number of interesting games, including Zita - Bronstein, Prague 1946 (compare Pachman - Bronstein); Stein - Geller, Moscow 1966 (compare Spassky - Fischer 1992); Seirawan - Ivanchuk 1997; and Stoyko - Volovich, NJ Open 2006.


DACarrelli said...

Steve's lectures were well attended and are always a club favorite. His excellent explanations and reasoning makes him a valuable teacher. Better than any book any day. Thanks Steve!

Signalman said...

I dutifully opened my copy of Chernev to check out the Aganalian game, but also opened it in my database.

I had to double check with the game link you gave as Chernev differs from both !

He has 7.0-0-0 Kc7 8.Nc3 Nbd7 whereas both other sources have it the other way around. ie transpose move 7 & 8. Which is correct ? and does it matter ?

Has Chernev altered the game progress for his own purpose ? It seems to make little difference in this particular game.

Anonymous said...

Where can I find a "write-up" of his KID lecture notes like you have for his KIA lecture and others? I, too, enjoy his excellent explanations which are indeed better than most books.


Michael Goeller said...

Sorry, this is it. The lectures happened during a time when I was very busy and actually only attended a few of them, if I recall. I did take extensive notes on one little section he did on a fascinating line that is covered in a rare little pamphlet by Pickett, Enterprising Strategy in the King's Indian ( I should think about writing that up, but there are not many games to support it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your response. I appreciate it.